
Downey’s Historical Relevance Survey

Everyone has a hometown, a birthplace just like a city is founded, and we as a people have a place we call home that is unique to us. The city’s culture, area, lifestyles and economics don’t differ from most cities but its what has happened here that makes Downey rich in history for the city and nation.

Downey, California is that hometown, a place unique with a vast past and a future geared toward expansion.

Over the last twenty years, the City of Downey has seen some of its most historic places lost, saved or in jeopardy of demolition.

There are several movements by residents and preservationists to keep the city’s unique and historic places intact so that Downey’s history will not fall away and be forgotten.

By taking the survey about Downey’s Historical Relevance, it will help with feedback for the capstone project on The Past and Future of Historical Preservation Efforts and Awareness of Historic Events and Sites in the City of Downey, California

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.

In conclusion, the feedback from the survey will help establish what is important to those who took the survey and what type of direction the capstone project may take as it moves forward in the process.

The survey will give an understanding about the community, its involvement in the preservation efforts and action that needs to be taken. It will help confirm the feelings of the community about current issues with preservation and how the city is either supporting or not supporting those issues.

My name is Alicia Edquist, and I am a multimedia educator and journalist. I have a Masters of Arts degree in New Media Journalism at Full Sail University in Winter Park, Fla. I work in Journalism & Media Studies department at a local community college in Southern California. I have my AA degree in journalism with a bachelor’s of science in Christian Ministry.


  • Maricarmen G. Smith

    Congratualtions on all you are achieving for yourself and bringing our city’s history to the forfront.

  • Gary Head

    The city does not really try to keep historical places in tact. Sometimes, I feel that they do not have any type of organization that wants to preserve things


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